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Exclusive! Heiman Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Among the First Globally to Obtain Matter 1.2 Certification

Marking a critical milestone in global smart home standards, the launch of Matter 1.2 heralds superior interoperability and ease-of-use within the smart home ecosystem. The new standard amplifies support for nine innovative connection devices inclusive of smoke detectors, carbon monoxide alarms, and air quality sensors. Moreover, critical revision and augmentation has been instigated across existing product categories, with substantial enhancements to inbuilt technical specifications, SDKs, certification policies, and testing tools.

Heiman's HS1SA Smoke Alarm and C1 Carbon Monoxide Alarm have taken precedence, securing Matter 1.2 accreditation, making them pioneers integrating this technology.

Heiman's state-of-the-art HS1SA Smoke Alarm and C1 Carbon Monoxide Alarm, as the first products certified under Matters 1.2, merit special mention. Not only did these top-tier products pioneer Matter 1.2 globally among their peers, they also distinguished themselves by garnering reputable international certification honors, including the German Red Dot Design Award and numerous certificates. The HS1SA Smoke Alarm was award EU EN14604 accreditation, while the C1 Carbon Monoxide Alarm managed dual U.S. & Canadian certifications, aligning with American UL 2034 and Canadian CSA 6.19 standards, emphasizing unparalleled excellence.

The HS1SA Smoke Alarm boasts expansive capabilities to precisely detect indoor smoke in real-time, initiating alarms two seconds after identifying smoke or fire hazards through an internal beeper and LED indicators. A powerful alarm sound of 85 decibels and red flash is emitted three meters away to safeguard you and your family members promptly. Even when distance cannot separate, the local alarm alerts adjacent residents, ensuring prompt response management. The smoke alarm incorporates density regulators, alerting solely when smoke density reaches alarming levels, alleviating false alarms that could disrupt normal routines or cause unnecessary concern.

Equipped with an Intertek ETL Certificate, the C1 Carbon Monoxide Alarm employs an electrochemical sensor, demonstrating high stability and minimal sensitivity drift, ensuring precise detection of indoor CO levels. Upon detecting irregularities, it emits audible alarms locally, while simultaneously delivering notifications through the mobile APP, prompting users to take immediate action.

Evolving from its Matter 1.2 certification, HS1SA and C1 can now seamlessly interface with other Matter compatible devices. Owing to Matter's array of practical characteristics, the detectors can joined various eco-apps such as Apple Home, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Samsung SmartThings. Users can monitor device conditions real-time via smartphones or other intelligent devices, safeguarding their homes' integrity.

Since the commencement of 2021, Heiman has been immersed in advance research initiatives for the Matter project, encompassing activities starting from procuring Alpha chip to intricate design of hardware and code of emergent Matter versions such as Matter 1.2. Significantly, these efforts have persistently accompanied Matter's evolution to its current iteration - Matter 1.2. It is noteworthy that the hardware devices developed by Heiman have successfully achieved Bluetooth BQB and Thread accreditations, conforming to the fundamental prerequisites of Matter authentication system, thereby facilitating Matter certification.

In this endeavor, Heiman has triumphantly secured a qualification endorsement from PAA (Product Attestation Authority). The ratification of this certification signifies that Heiman's Matter series products can procure DAC (Device Attestation Certificate), a critical component of Matter standard, signifying significant significance. Device manufacturers granted PAA qualification endorsement are entitled with DAC perfectly aligned with Matter standards, which guarantees Heiman devices' unparalleled compatibility, security, and interoperability within the Matter ecosystem. Concurrently, it aids Heiman in addressing escalating customer needs with superior technological proficiency and furnishing customers with safer, more stable, and dependable products.

However, Heiman's innovative stride extends beyond this. They have independently engineered MES (Manufacturing Execution System), an indispensable software platform overseeing, controlling, and coordinating manufacturing processes to establish a strict connection between the company's production plan and actual execution process. This facilitates visibility, optimizes management, and effectively increases manufacturing efficiency. Incorporating elements related to Matter devices, MES not only grants customers the authority to generate and manage Matter device certificates but also undertakes automated testing of device production, uploads relevant test results to the cloud, generates and backs up device networking codes, provides OTA firmware, etc. These measures significantly enhance Heiman's product production proficiency and quality control, empowering them with comprehensive oversight over the entire production process, including materials management, production management, quality management, among others. All these endeavors fortify the robust foundation necessary for mass production of Heiman’s Matter series products.

Heiman, a trailblazer in intelligent sensing domain, considers user requirements at its core, offering one-stop holistic solutions for sectors including smart fire protection, smart gas, smart elderly care, smart home, etc. Going forward, Heiman Technology will ceaselessly launch new Matter products, broaden existing Matter device categories, and craft a more convenient and intelligent living experience for users.